26 03, 2020



CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19 On this wonderful sunny morning, we are very sad to announce that Lime Tree Park will be closing its gates for the (hopefully short) near future. #StaySafe #StayAlert As a supporter of our local area, we feel it is morally and socially the right course of action to follow the

29 04, 2019

You said it – we won it!


You said it - we won it! Thanks to the consistently great reviews Lime Tree Holiday Park has been receiving, the highly regarded Pitchup.com online booking site has recognised us with an award! Reviewers on their site marked us so highly that we achieved an overall rating of 9.5 out of

You said it – we won it!2020-11-24T12:14:47+00:00
4 03, 2019

Lime Tree’s Gold Standard


Top-class refurbishment upholds Lime Tree’s gold standard Since winning the prestigious AA gold pennant award in 2017, we’ve been working hard to enhance Lime Tree Holiday Park even further, winning recognition once again for our high standards in 2019. Gold standard Park owners Robert and Sue Hidderley are pictured receiving a

Lime Tree’s Gold Standard2020-09-21T14:50:22+01:00
26 02, 2019

Follow us on Instagram


Follow us on Instagram! Follow us on Instagram and see what’s happening at Lime Tree Holiday Park through our lens onto the beautiful local countryside, and share your own holiday photos using #LimeTreeHolidayPark. #LimeTreeHolidayPark Whether it’s a sunset at the end of a perfect day out, a mouthwatering ice cream sundae

Follow us on Instagram2020-09-21T14:50:22+01:00
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